Computer networks -- 2007-2008 -- evaluation

Important! These pages are somehow outdated and it is recommended to consult the newer version at Computer networks -- 2008-2009 -- (by Ciprian Crăciun).

Quick links:

At the beginning of some laboratories you will receive an assignment, which should be completed -- individually -- during the two hours or until the end of next week -- depending on the assignment type (application or essay).

At the end of the assignment each student will upload the resulting source code or document on the SVN repository. For assignments which are applications, for those who are not present at the laboratory, or those who didn't manage to finish, have the possibility to upload the source code until the end of next week.

We shall do our best to provide the laboratory notes (including the assignment) a week in advance.

For each assignment a grade will be given from 0 to 10, following the following guidelines (for applications):

  • If the assignment does not compile or execute, the maximum grade is 5, depending on the completion.
  • If the assignment is not completed during the two laboratory hours the grade is divided by 2, thus:
    • for a working assignment the maximum is 5;
    • in the case it does not compile or run the maximum is 2.5;
  • No assignment will be accepted if it is not uploaded on the SVN repository until 23:59 of the next week Sunday -- this constraint is imposed by the repository, and will not be overridden.

For essays the following rules apply:

  • A4 paper size with a 2.5 cm margin on all directions;
  • 12 pt Times New Roman, spaced at most 1.5 lines;
  • the paper should not contain copied information unless quoted and only sparingly;
  • it must contain the bibliography;
  • only ODF (Open Document Format, as created by or DOC (as created by Microsoft Word), but not DOCX (as created by Microsoft Word 2007);

The final grade for the laboratory is a weighted sum of the assignment grades, scaled from 0 to 10.