Prolog EN -- Laboratory 1 -- 2006-2007 --

Introduction edit

Usage edit

Concepts edit

Syntax edit

Atoms edit

  • Strings of letters, digits and underscore starting with a lower case-letter. Examples:
  • Strings of special characters. Examples:
  • Strings enclosed in single quotes. Examples:
'John Smith'

Numbers edit



Variables edit

Strings of letters, digits and underscore starting with an upper-case letter or an underscore.



Structures edit


<functor>(<argument-1>, <argument-2>, ..., <argument-n>)

A functor is any atom and represents the name of the structure. The functor has an arity -- the number of arguments.

An argument is any atom, number, or other structure.


date(1, may, 2007)
person('John', 'Smith', date(23, october, 1976))

point(1, 1)
segment(point(1, 1), point(1, 3))
triangle(point(1, 1), point(1, 3), point(2, 3))

+(1, *(2, 3))

.(a, .(b, .(c, [])))

Lists edit

A list is nothing else than a composed structure.


.(<element-1>, .(<element-2>, ... .(<element-n>, []) ... ))


[<element-1>, <element-2>, ..., <element-n>]


[1, 2, 3]
[a, b, c, d]
[1, b, 3, d]
[[1, 2], [3, 4], d]

Facts edit


<relation>(<argument-1>, <argument-2>, ..., <argument-n>).

A relation is an atom and represents the name of the relation. Each relation has an arity -- the number of arguments.

An argument is any atom, number, or structure.



We can observe that relations have the same syntax as structures.

We read each fact as:

  • the switch is on.
  • the switch is working.
  • the bulb is working.

We also can observe that facts can be seen as predicates that state something about their subjects (the arguments).

Rules edit


<rule>(<argument-1>, <argument-2>, ..., <argument-n>) :-

Where clause can be a fact or another rule.

The comma , stands for and.


on(light) :- working(switch), working(bulb), on(switch).
off(light) :- off(switch).

We read the rules above as:

  • The light is on if the switch is working, and the bulb is working, and the switch is on.
  • The light is off if the switch is off.

We can observe that:

  • Like in the case of facts, rules can be seen as statements (predicates) about some subjects (the arguments).
  • We can have both facts and rules with the same name and the same arity.

First example -- Genealogical Tree edit

Creating and loading the fact file edit

Create a fact file (ex-1.prolog):

parent(tom, liz).
parent(bob, ann).
parent(bob, pat).
parent(pat, jim).

Start GNU prolog:


Load the facts file:


Querying the facts edit

The most simple query:

parent(tom, liz). %=> yes
parent(tom, ann). %=> no

Queries using variables:

parent(tom, C). %=> C = liz
parent(bob, C). %=> C = ann; C = pat
parent(P, C). %=> P = tom, C = liz; P = bob, C = ann; ...
parent(_, C). %=> C = liz; C = ann; C = pat; C = jim
parent(P, _). %=> P = tom; P = bob; P = bob; P = pat
parent(_, _). %=> true; true; true; true

Joined queries:

parent(tom, C), parent(C, GC). %=> no
parent(bob, C), parent(C, GC). %=> C=pat, GC=jim

Unification edit

  • Unification -- Wikipedia article
  • Unification is the process in which a variables are instantiated to a values, by trying to make two expressions equivalent.
  • The operator that forces unification is =


X = a. %=> X = a
X = Y. %=> Y = X
a = b. %=> no

X = human(john). %=> X = human(john)
human(Name) = human(john). %=> Name = john
Human = human(Name), Name = john. %=> Human = human(john), Name = john.

Resolution edit

  • Resolution -- Wikipedia article
  • Resolution is the process in which a goal (a query) is being satisfied by searching facts, applying rules and unification.
  • After each successful resolution, for each solution found, we will get all the variable instances.


parent(P, C). %=> P = tom, C = liz; P = bob, C = ann; ...

Second example -- Genealogical tree with queries edit

Adding rules to the fact file edit

We add some more facts at the end of the fact file:


And we add the following rules at the end of the fact file (after all the facts):

child(C, P) :- parent(P, C).

father(P, C) :- parent(P, C), male(P).
mother(P, C) :- parent(P, C), female(P).

son(C, P) :- child(C, P), male(C).
daughter(C, P) :- child(C, P), female(C).

brother(A, B) :- son(A, P), son(B, P).
sister(A, B) :- daughter(A, P), daughter(B, P).

grandparent(G, C) :- child(P, G), child(C, P).

ancestor(A, C) :- parent(A, C).
ancestor(A, C) :- parent(A, P), ancestor(P, C).

Querying the rules edit

father(P, C). %=> P = tom, C = liz; P = bob, C = ann; P = bob, C = ann
grandparent(G, C). %=> G = bob, C = jim
sister(A, B). %=> A = liz, B = liz; A = ann, B = ann; A = ann, B = pat; A = pat, B = ann; A = pat, B = pat
ancestor(bob, C). %=> C = ann; C = pat; C = jim