ELearning Design/Group 2

The Wiki page for Group 2 of the E-Learning module hosted by Tallinn University, Estonia. edit

This page can be used to create joint documents which can be edited by everyone who is a member of Group 2.

Group 2 members edit

  1. Facilitator: Kai Pata Talinn University, kpata@tlu.ee, http://patalearn.wordpress.com/
  1. Zsombor Mihály, Babes-Bolyai University, http://ezsombor.wordpress.com/
  2. Essi Räsänen, University of Oulu, essirasa@paju.oulu.fi, http://essikt4.wordpress.com/
  3. Mikko Vahteala, University of Oulu, vahteala@paju.oulu.fi, http://miigeonelearning.wordpress.com/
  4. Florence Mirembe, Tallinn University, florence@tlu.ee http://flourishug.wordpress.com/
  5. Ileana Salcudean, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, nico.salcudean@yahoo.com, http://ileanasalcudean.wordpress.com/
  6. Daria Patrunjel, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj Napoca, dariapatrunjel@yahoo.com, http://dariapatrunjel.wordpress.com/
  7. Niina Tuomikoski, University of Oulu, tuominii@paju.oulu.fi, http://niinatuo.wordpress.com/
  8. Kädi Kräman, Tallinn University, kadi2302@hotmail.com, http://kadikitten.livejournal.com/

Group work edit

Criteria for a good online course edit

The criteria for the perfect online course can vary as every person has his/her own learning style, but there are some elements which all contribute to the learning experience in a positive way, regardless of the individual's learning manner.

A quality online course:
- has a logical and easy to follow structure
- has learner oriented, quality content
- has to supply a fair number of visual aid, document, website link, etc. for profound understanding and further inquiries on certain topics.
- is interactive offering possibility for the learner to receive feedback and recognition from the tutor and learning colleagues
- has to be supervised by a professional tutor
- has to be applicable in every day life so it offers a possibility to involve the learner
- offers a challenge for the learner to work out concrete examples dealing with real life problems
- should have a visually appealing platform and design

I entirely agree with the above, I have this to add as well.

The main goal of any course is to learn the theory and skills of that course with the aim of accomplishing a task or solving a problem. For instance a cookery course gives the learner methods or skills of cooking various dishes and the nutrition theory is given as part of the package. When our group decides on which course to design, we shall be more specific in our goals and objectives of the chosen course.

We shall mainly use Cognitivism and Constructivism theories of learning. That is, the learner will be actively involved in the learning process as he/she builds on personal interpretation of events based on experiences and interactions. Whatever learning theories we might use at any one time, we have to always try to answer the following pedagogical question. "What do I want my students to know, do, and believe as a result of the instructional experiences in each unit?" Then we have to figure out our teaching strategies, the exact content, and the right assessment method to detect learning. From http://vccslitonline.cc.va.us/usingweb/bckgrnd.htm (April 18, 2009)

During the course we shall use ‘rich environments’ like information banks – book chapters and journal articles online, plus many various information resources that can be shared including video clips.

Feedback is of paramount importance to both the learner and tutor. Feedback gives direction to the learner and the tutor is also able to monitor the progress of the learner and therefore give appropriate assistance whenever it is needed.