Operating systems 1 -- 2008-2009 -- info.uvt.ro/Laboratory 3
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edit- in order to create a variable (or to assign a new value to an existing one):
a=abc123 b='abc 123'
- do not leave spaces between the = sign and either the name or the value:
a = abc123
- in order to destroy a variable:
unset a unset b
- references:
- Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide:
- Variable Assignment;
- Typing variables: declare or typeset -- advanced usage;
- Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide:
edit- just by using the name of the variable will not yield its value:
echo a b c
- you have to use the special form $name or ${name}:
- variables that do not exist are substituted with the empty string;
echo $a $b $c echo ${a} ${b} ${c}
- by using the $name form you can not concatenate the value with other alpha-numeric characters (you have to use the ${name} variant):
echo z$az z$bz z$cz echo z${a}z z${b}z z${c}z
- by using the " quoting style -- called weak quoting -- the variables are still substituted:
echo "$a" "$b" "$c" echo "${a}" "${b}" "${c}"
- by using the ' quoting style --- called strong quoting or full quoting -- the variables are not substituted:
echo '$a' '$b' '$c' echo '${a}' '${b}' '${c}'
- references:
- Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide:
- Variable Substitution;
- Parameter Substitution -- advanced usage;
- Manipulating Strings -- advanced usage;
- Indirect References -- advanced usage;
- Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide:
Default defined (internal) variables
edit- examples (of important variables):
echo "${SHELL}" echo "${UID}" echo "${PWD}" echo "${HOME}" echo "${EDITOR}" echo "${PAGER}" echo "${HOSTNAME}"
- to see all the defined variables use:
- references:
Environment variables
edit- example:
export EDITOR=mcedit export PATH="${PATH}:~/bin"
- to see all the exported variables use:
Positional variables
edit- create a new script:
nano ./test.sh
- fill it with the following content:
#!/bin/bash echo '${0}='"${0}" echo '${#}='"${#}" echo '${1}='"${1}" echo '${2}='"${2}" echo '${*}='"${*}" echo '${@}='"${@}"
- make it executable:
chmod +x ./test.sh
- execute it with different parameters:
./test.sh ./test.sh a ./test.sh a b ./test.sh a b c ./test.sh a b c d ./test.sh 'a b c' d e
Pipes and redirections
edit- syntax for redirection:
<command> [argument] ... > <output-file> <command> [argument] ... < <input-file> <command> [argument] ... < <input-file> > <output-file>
- syntax for pipes:
<command-1> [argument] ... { | <command-2> [argument] ... } ...
- examples:
- saving the listing of all files (recursively) into a file for later processing:
find >./listing.txt
- sorting the listing:
sort <./listing.txt
- saving the sorted listing into another file:
sort <./listing.txt >./sorted-listing.txt
- the same as above but in one step:
find | sort >./sorted-listing.txt
- listing all files in current directory sorted by name:
ls | sort
- references:
Basic filter commands
edit- syntax:
wc [flag] ... [file] ...
- examples:
- displaying the number of lines, words and characters in a file:
wc /etc/group
- displaying the number of files inside the /etc folder:
ls /etc | wc -l
- important flags:
- -l or --lines;
- -w or --words;
- -m or --chars;
- references:
- wc.1;
cat and tac
edit- syntax:
cat [file] ... tac [file] ...
- examples:
- concatenating some files:
cat /etc/passwd /etc/group
- displaying a file with the lines in reverse order:
tac /etc/group
head and tail
edit- syntax:
head [flag] ... [file] tail [flag] ... [file]
- examples:
- displaying the first couple (default is 10) lines of a file:
head /etc/group
- displaying the first 2 lines:
head -n 2 /etc/group
- displaying the last two files in the current directory:
ls | tail -n 2
- important flags:
- -n or --lines;
- -f or --follow (only for tail) used to continuously monitor the file contents;
- references:
edit- syntax:
sort [flag] ... [file] ...
- examples:
- sort a file:
sort /etc/passwd
- important flags:
- -f or --ignore-case;
- -n or --numeric-sort;
- -u or --unique;
- -r or --reverse;
- references:
edit- syntax:
grep <flag> ... <pattern> [file]
- examples:
- display the line containing the word root:
grep root /etc/passwd
- display the files that contain the word bash:
find / | grep bash
- display the files that end in the word .sh:
find / | grep -E -e '\.sh$'
- important flags:
- -n or --line-number;
- -o or --only-matching;
- -v or --invert-match;
- -c or --count;
- -i or --ignore-case;
- -E or --extended-regexp;
- -G or --basic-regexp;
- -e;
- references:
edit- syntax:
tr [flag] ... <set-1> [set-2]
- examples:
- replacing double spaces with a single space:
nano ./text.txt tr -s ' ' <./text.txt >./text-tr.txt cat ./text-tr.txt
- replacing digits with letters from a to j:
nano ./text.txt tr 0-9 a-j <./text.txt >./text-tr.txt
- important flags:
- -c or --complement;
- -d or --delete;
- -s --squeeze-repeats;
- references:
- tr.1;
edit- syntax:
- command:
sed [flag] ... { -e <operator> } ... [file] ...
- operator:
[address]p [address]d [address]s/[pattern-1]/[pattern-2]/ [address]y/[pattern-1]/[pattern-2]/
- address:
<line-number> /<pattern>/ <address>,+<count>
- examples:
- remove all lines containing root:
sed '/root/d' </etc/group
- replace all occurrences of the word root with ADMIN:
sed -e 's/root/ADIMN/g' </etc/group
- print only thoes lines starting with a:
sed -n -r -e '/^a/p' </etc/group
- print the first 10 lines:
sed -n -e '1,10p' </etc/group sed -n -e '1,+9p' </etc/group
- important flags:
- -n or --silent;
- -e or --expression;
- -f or --file;
- script syntax
- references:
edit- write a script that takes as an argument a file path, and moves it to a special recycle bin folder (located in /tmp) (hint: use mv):
stat ./test.sh ./safe-delete.sh ./test.sh stat ./test.sh stat /tmp/recycle/test.sh
- write a script that takes as arguments a folder path and a pattern, and it prints all file names containing the given pattern, in an reversed order (hint: use find, grep, sort and / or tac):
./pattern-find.sh /etc bash
- write a script that takes as an argument a file, and modifies its content by replacing every space with a _ character (hint: use tr, but be careful as you need an intemediary file, and you must use redirection):
nano ./text.txt ./underscore.sh ./text.txt cat ./text.txt
- write a script resembling the previous one, but this time it makes all characters upper-case:
nano ./text.txt ./uppercase.sh ./text.txt cat ./text.txt
- write a script that takes as an argument a file, and writes a list of all the (unique) words appearing in it, the case-ing does not matter (hint: use grep with -o and -E arguments, and sort):
nano ./text.txt ./words.sh ./text.txt
- write a script that takes no arguments, but instead encrypts the standard input with the Rot13 algorithm (hint: use tr):
nano ./text.txt ./rot13.sh <./text.txt >./text-enc.txt cat ./text-enc.txt