
HiPiHi – is the “Chinese Second Life”. HiPiHi differs from Second Life the most is that it reflects the Chinese culture. The name itself is in part a play on “pihi,” Chinese for innocent child, while the three i’s in the word are meant to approximate the Chinese ideogram for society. Millions of Chinese already play in online worlds (5 million in World of Warcraft alone), and it would take just a small percentage of this existing market to overshadow Second Life’s 800,000 currently active unique users [Au, W. J. (2007, August 25). Retrieved from A First-Hand Look at a Chinese Second Life, HiPiHi: http://gigaom.com/2007/08/25/hipihi/].

HiPiHi World is exactly like Second Life: avatars can fly that makes the virtual world especially attractive and modify their own appearances, build houses, explore the land with planes, choppers and hot air balloons, which HipiHi calls public transportation systems. Users can also have control over their flight, offering a chance to fly their own plane. Options for parachuting also exist. The World seems to be organized around malls and town squares with socializing at its very core. Of course, avatars can also buy land and build their own houses (Au, 2007). The currency in HiPiHi is the same as in SL. To sum up, users have deal with the Second Life’s clone.