3 September 2006 – Report from the English language Wikiversity
- (You can watch a podcast version of this report; see detailed instructions)
- The English language Wikiversity started on 15 August 2006 with a six-month beta phase.
- The Wikiversity project proposal was approved by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees and announced at Wikimania 2006.
- Wikiversity had previously been under development at Wikibooks. Many of the Wikiversity webpages from Wikibooks (example: Wikiversity Schools) have been imported to the new Wikiversity website (example: Wikiversity Schools).
- A few policies have already been adopted including Assume Good Faith, Civility and Be bold. Some ideas have been produced for how to allow original research at Wikiversity (see: Review board), but discussion of research policy will take place at the Wikiversity beta website (see: Scope of research). Other proposed policies include:
- Using the term "custodian" to refer to Wikiversity sysops.
- Disclosures, a modification to the traditional Wikimedia NPOV policy which would allow Wikiversity to have scholarly webpages that adopt a biased point of view.
- A Scholarly ethics policy that would define high standards of Wikiversity scholarship. It is proposed that high standards of scholarly ethics can guide Wikiversity participants who edit webpages that adopt a biased point of view. The standards of scholarly ethics can also be applied to original research at Wikiversity.
- The Board of Trustees instructed that the Wikiversity project proposal not include conventional courses. To replace courses, the Wikiversity e-learning model includes the idea of learning groups that collaborate on learning projects.
28 August 2006 – Report from the German language Wikiversity
As Rayc asked how the two wikiversities compare, I would like to give you some information about the things going on at de.wikiversity:
- We completely restarted the project on August, 26 with a team of three experienced users coming from the German wikimedia community. During the last four days more than thirty new user accounts were created. Most of them by wikimedians already active in the German wikipedia and wikisource projects.
- Actually the department of history is the most active of our ten departments (in German: Fachbereiche). Somewhat away from conventional universities we invited users to create new departments like "Department of virtual construction of knowledge" (Fachbereich Virtuelle Wissenskonstruktion), founded on the German Wikiversity by a professor at the university of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt in Bavaria.
- We have two research projects, one dealing with the edition of a manuscript from the 16th century (which is being transcribed on the German Wikisource), and another one which is underway to do some oral history about the daily life in the city of Hamburg during the last year of World War II (interviews with contemporary witnesses).
- Yesterday a course on palaeography (in close cooperation with the German wikisource) started. Most of the course participants are Wikisourcians who want to improve their ability to read old manuscripts.
So far for today. Warm greetings from the German Wikiversity --Frank Schulenburg 11:33, 28 August 2006 (UTC)
5 September 2006 – Report from the Spanish language Wikiversity
As some of you may know, the Spanish Wikiversity was very active before the project was officially approved by the Board, especially at the end of 2004.
You may check in this link that there around 200 or 300 pages in the namespace "Wikiversidad" of Spanish Wikibooks. Specially active was a group on Chemistry. Unfortunately, the uncertain future of the project and the long time it took to get approved, made the most active members to go away, and now Spanish Wikiversity has no activity. Only irregular small editions.
I'm trying to get in contact with those who participated but is not easy: many of them were not or are not anymore in any other Wikimedia project, and there is no way to send them emails.
Due to the huge amount of Wikiversity pages in the Spanish domain of Wikibooks, it is not very encouraging to bring all that to v:Beta if soon afterwards we have to move it again to v:es: It doesn´t really make much sense.
That's why Spanish Wikiversity content will stay in b:es, (unless somebody wants to work hard on the moving).
And that was all. If someone is interested on relaunching the Spanish project, I would like to help you. Please, contact me in this link, thanks.
16 juillet 2007 fr.wikiversity: 2000 cours sur Wikiversity francophone !
Wikiversity en français atteint les 2 000 cours.
Internet, le 16 juillet 2007
La version francophone de Wikiversity a atteint le 16 juillet 2007 le compte de 2 000 articles pédagogiques en ligne avec le cours sur la programmation LaTeX.
Wikiversity est un projet de communauté pédagogique libre, lancé en août 2006. Comme sa grande soeur, Wikipédia, Wikiversity fait partie des projets soutenus par la Wikimedia Foundation. À ce titre son contenu est sous licence libre et se veut neutre et avec des références. Libre au sens légal du terme puisque son contenu est placé sous la licence GFDL, qui, alliée à la technologie wiki, permet à tout un chacun de contribuer à l'élaboration de cette communauté.
Wikiversity est le plus jeune des projets soutenus par la Wikimedia Foundation, il existe à l'heure actuelle en 5 langues: l'allemand, l'anglais, l'espagnol, l'italien et le français. Les trois versions les plus prolifiques sont les versions anglophone, francophone et germanophone.
La version francophone de Wikiversity a été lancée en décembre 2006. Durant les tout premiers mois d'existence, la croissance était limitée et enrichie par quelques contributeurs issus de Wikipedia principalement. Dans les mois qui ont suivi, de nouveaux contributeurs se sont intéressés au projet. Parmi eux, des enseignants, comme David Crochet, professeur d'électrotechnique dans l'académie de Caen, qui commencent à contribuer pour l'idée que promeut le projet, à savoir apporter un support pédagogique libre à tous.
À propos de Wikimédia France: Wikimédia France est une association loi de 1901 qui promeut et soutient en France la diffusion libre de la connaissance, notamment Wikipédia, Wikiversity et les autres projets de la Wikimedia Foundation. Wikimédia France n'héberge ni n'édite le site Wikiversity.
Liste de médias à contacter
- Figaro service culture w:Discussion Utilisateur:RM77
- Infos-du-Net
- ZDNet
- Vnunet
- Futura Sciences
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- (Logiciels libres grand public)
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Voir aussi pour les médias généralistesédia:Promotion/Francophonie/Médias
Déjà contacté et publié
- commentaires sur
- repercuté dans le bistro de Wikipédiaédia:Le_Bistro/18_juillet_2007#on_parle_de_la_wikiversit.C3.A9
- évoque Wikiversité
Texte envoyé
Bonjour. Dans l'optique de promouvoir le projet voisin de l'encyclopédie mondialement connue Wikipédia, la Wikiversité, le communiqué de presse suivant a été réalisé par la communauté du site. Merci de prendre notre demande en considération : l'afflux de nouveaux visiteurs sera bénéfique à l'amélioration du site.
Wikiversity en français atteint les 2 000 cours.
Internet, le 16 juillet 2007
La version francophone de Wikiversity a atteint le 16 juillet 2007 le compte de 2 000 articles pédagogiques en ligne avec le cours sur la programmation LaTeX.
Wikiversity est un projet de communauté pédagogique libre, lancé en août 2006. Comme sa grande soeur, Wikipédia, Wikiversity fait partie des projets soutenus par la Wikimedia Foundation. À ce titre son contenu est sous licence libre et se veut neutre et avec des références. Libre au sens légal du terme puisque son contenu est placé sous la licence GFDL, qui, alliée à la technologie wiki, permet à tout un chacun de contribuer à l'élaboration de cette communauté.
Wikiversity est le plus jeune des projets soutenus par la Wikimedia Foundation, il existe à l'heure actuelle en 5 langues : l'allemand, l'anglais, l'espagnol, l'italien et le français. Les trois versions les plus prolifiques sont les versions anglophone, francophone et germanophone.
La version francophone de Wikiversity a été lancée en décembre 2006. Durant les tout premiers mois d'existence, la croissance était limitée et enrichie par quelques contributeurs issus de Wikipedia principalement. Dans les mois qui ont suivi, de nouveaux contributeurs se sont intéressés au projet. Parmi eux, des enseignants, comme David Crochet, professeur d'électrotechnique dans l'académie de Caen, qui commencent à contribuer pour l'idée que promeut le projet, à savoir apporter un support pédagogique libre à tous.
À propos de Wikimédia France : Wikimédia France est une association loi de 1901 qui promeut et soutient en France la diffusion libre de la connaissance, notamment Wikipédia, Wikiversity et les autres projets de la Wikimedia Foundation. Wikimédia France n'héberge ni n'édite le site Wikiversity.
8 April 2009 – Report from the Czech language Wikiversity

It will be one year (May 26, 2009 will Czech language Wikiversity celebrate one year) from the foundation of Wikiversity in the Czech language. During that time this mutation has underwent stormy development.
At this time there are more than 1000 pages and subpages in the main namespace. Most of these pages are database items of original research. The well known project Dreams (Sny) has the database of nearly 400 hundred dreams from 5 users being collected for nearly one year. Other databases items are of the Czech version of English Bloom Clock and others.
The number of users is slightly growing, while the hard core is still the same 2–5 people. The success of this growing project is based on limited background structure and continuous works in the main namespace.
Czech community also agreed not to copy other project's in background structure (portals, schools, departments) and organize just using category system. As mentioned before currently most pages are part of databases of scientific projects, some pages also belong to personal learning, when community learning and stationary courses are not so spread within the Czech Wikiversity yet.
The content of Czech Wikiversity is being release under GFDL compatible to other WMF projects in Czech language (excluding Czech Wikinews), when there is also and agreement with the future migration to CC-By-SA 3.0 license. Thats why, all imported content from GFDL only projects is being categorized by technical categories and most participants release their edits under two licenses: GFDL and CC-By-SA 3.0.
Besides the pedagogical and research content the community is also working on MediaWiki synchronization. Namespace Forum was just one of the steps, recently more specification for the project are being prepared, such as extension of upload (more open formats, formats of scientific data etc.), new namespaces, development of extensions…
From notable projects it is important to mention project Dreams (Sny) – a collection of peoples dreams, project Organ (Projekt:Varhany) – a group of people working on electronic organ creation in their homes or Bloom Clock (Projekt: Kvetení rostlin) – blooming times of vascular plants.
From courses Wikipedia manual (Práce na Wikipedii) or German Prepositions (Předložky (němčina)) could be mentioned. From other resources it is Phytopathology consulting room (Rostlinolékařská poradna), Reeding room (Čítárna), Photography studio (Ateliér fotografie) or Wiki-Wiki (Wiki-Wiki) – a trimestral magazine about WMF projects bringing people their content and educational resources.
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Different media articles can be found here:
- en:Wikiversity:In the media
- de:Wikiversity:Presse (German)
- fr:Wikiversité:Médias (French)