Wikiversity:Research guidelines/Zh

Wikiversity:Language select

talk page
talk page
العربية: تحوي هذه الصفحة خلاصة بالنقاشات التي أجريت بلغات مختلفة. لمناقشة هذا الموضوع بلغتك, إذهب إلى صفحة نقاش (تعلم المزيد).
български: Тази страница съдържа кратко изложение на обсъжданията, извършващи се на няколко езика. За да се изкажете по тази тема на родния си език, отидете на страница за обсъждане (Научете повече).
Deutsch: Diese Seite enthält Zusammenfassungen von Diskussionen, die in verschiedenen Sprachen geführt wurden. Eine Möglichkeit zur Teilnahme an der Diskussion in Deiner eigenen Sprache besteht auf der Diskussionsseite (Mehr dazu).
Ελληνικά: Αυτή η σελίδα περιέχει τις περιλήψεις των συζητήσεων που έχουν πραγματοποιηθεί σε διάφορες γλώσσες. Για να συζητήσετε για αυτό το θέμα στη γλώσσα σας, πηγαίνετε στη σελίδα συζήτησής (μάθε περισσότερα).
English: This page contains summaries of discussions which have taken place in various languages. To discuss about this subject in your language, go to the talk page (learn more).
français: Cette page contient les résumés des discussions ayant eu lieu dans différentes langues. Pour participer à la discussion dans votre langue, consultez la page de discussion (plus d'infos).

italiano: questa pagina contiene un riassunto delle discussioni che ci sono state nelle differenti lingue. Per partecipare alla discussione nella vostra lingua consultare la pagina di discussione (per info).

日本語: このページは、様々な言語で行われた議論の要約を含んでいます。あなたの言語で、この事柄についてを議論をするには、ノートページでお願いします。(もっと詳しく)
Nederlands: Deze pagina bevat samenvattingen van de discussies die hebben plaatsgevonden in verschillende talen. Om mee te discussiëren in uw eigen taal moet u naar de Overlegpagina gaan (Meer informatie).
norsk: Dette siden inneholder sammendrag av diskusjoner som har funnet sted på forskjellige språk. For å diskutere dette emnet på ditt språk, gå til diskusjonssiden (les mer).
Ripoarisch: Op dä Sigk hee senn koote Zesammefassonge fun dä Shtemme uss_ennem Klaaf, wo de Lück mieh wi ëjn Shprooch schwaade. Medmache kannß_De en Dinge Sprooch op dä Klaaf_Sigk (Mieh hee_drövver …).
português: Esta página contem sumários de discussões feitas em diversos idiomas. Para discutir sobre este assunto em sua língua, vá até a página de discussão (mais informações).
русский: Эта страница содержит краткое изложение обсуждения, которое ведется на нескольких языках. Чтобы высказаться на эту тему на своем языке, пройдите на страницу обсуждения (Узнать больше).
svenska: Denna sida innehåller sammanfattningar av diskussioner som förts på flera olika språk. Diskussioner på svenska sker på diskussionssidan. (Läs mer om språksamordning).
español: Ésta página contiene resúmenes de discusiones, los cuales se han hecho en diferentes idiomas. Para discutir sobre éste tema en su idioma, vaya a: página de discusión (más información).
中文: 此頁有在各種語言上進行的討論的總結. 若您想用您的語言討論此主題, 請進討論頁. (多語言系統)









維基學員參與多種學術原創研究活動。已有知識之學術評審(或曰「次生研究」,或 「文獻回顧」)乃維基學院許多教學活動之構成部份。研究過程中之批判思維────即使在文獻回顧中────可引致原始之研究結果。維基學府鼓勵培飬合符其使命、在其範圍內之此等研究。







  • 「市場調查」────推廣特定商品或政治候選人或任何目標在維基媒體敎育使命以外的研究;
  • 抵觸維基媒體基金會政策────如隱私政策────之研究計劃;
  • 非法或不合道德之研究計劃;
  • 須受IRB人體試驗委員會正式審批之研究計劃(例外者:若一計劃包括維基學府中之活動,先已被現存之現實研究機構IRB評審批准,且其所有活動均公開而遵從IRB批准之協定)。



維基學院中所有研究活動與方法必須公開、透明,以助他人獨立客觀檢驗。各研究計劃須詳盡紀錄其動機、假設與方法(見 宣示)。行進中之研究計劃須用模標明。研究模板將插該研究頁入「研究」類。



研究結果不可為符合成見或已提出之假說而隨意更修、偽作、遺漏; 不可以令人誤解之方式表示。



研究報告須表明:1) 在研究過程每一步做了甚麼、為何這樣做;2) 如何由所得資料推出斷言、(與為何)。則其他人有機會細察此研究工作以判別其質素。全部資料公開是最理想的。當不能公開全部資料(如因道義問題)時,亦可因應情況需要供給個別參與者。















Declare your known biases or any potential conflicts of interest at the start of your research project. This fosters trust, and helps the community to judge the study from your point of view. This will join you in a group effort to raise conscientiousness and group-assisted introspection.



No research activities are excused from the need to be aware of existing relevant knowledge and past published research results. Carefully cite relevant sources wherever possible, in both secondary research (literature reviews) and as an integral part of the conduct and reporting of any original research activities.

It is not always possible to justify and contextualize original research using previously published sources, especially when the topic has not been examined in depth before. Wikiversity is open to scholarly research that tries to stretch the boundaries of knowledge. Where possible, you should cite relevant sources of previously published research in your field of study that most closely relate to any new paths of exploration you may be involved with. Secondary research should always be based on verifiable sources, and should always cite all the sources used in your research.


  • 所有研究活動須遵從高度學術操守
  • A project that breaks or tests conventional ethical guidelines is not permitted
  • A project that would require oversight by an expert in research ethics or IRB is not permitted
  • Wikiversity's Review Board is responsible for examining the conduct and methods of all research projects

All research posted on Wikiversity should be conducted in an ethical manner. Wikiversity cannot permit studies that involve such ethical issues as harm (including distress or embarrassment), deception or risk to either human subjects or animals. No studies may be posted that involve a breach in local or international law.

Research projects that would normally require approval from an institutional review board (IRB) cannot be permitted on Wikiversity. However, if an established IRB approves your research, the Wikiversity Review Board may permit it.

維基學院 is devoted to a search for knowledge and providing a support system to help people learn about the world. Wikiversity promotes adherence to scholarly ethics that keep Wikiversity free from propaganda, deception and intellectual dishonesty such as plagiarism. Wikiversity does not exist as a platform to support advocates of particular political movements, religious ideologies or scientific, legal or historical theories. Wikiversity can contain scholarly study of all topics, but Wikiversity does not exist for the purpose of advocating or advancing particular points of view, movements or belief systems.

維基學院 participants who engage in research activities must not attempt to use Wikiversity as a platform for advocating or advancing propaganda or any other type of deception or intellectual dishonesty, but rather, Wikiversity editors must remain devoted to scholarly consideration of their topic of study. This means not distorting or hiding evidence and not crafting illegal, deceptive, dishonest or otherwise unethical accounts of facts or ideas. Wikiversity scholars can, and must, study their subjects with devotion to honesty and the highest scholarly standards.

維基學院 standards for scholarly and ethical research practices are enforced by peer review. Most of this peer review is possible through conventional wiki community interactions and webpage editing. However, some forms of bogus and unethical research can only be recognized by experts. In order to protect itself from such problems, the Wikiversity community depends on the participation of experts who can guide the whole community in recognizing bogus and unethical research practices, as discussed in the next section.



維基學院's review process of research is distributed and community-led, taking the following steps:

  1. People add research to Wikiversity - they are encouraged to flag it appropriately as "research".
  2. If not done already, research is flagged with a template placed at the top of the page.
  3. If anyone reviewing (i.e. simply reading) the page finds something within the research to be questionable on methodological, ethical, epistemological grounds, they can add an appropriate template - or modify the existing one.
  4. The page(s) in question can be flagged for deletion - or a request for comments can be made
  5. After discussion and review, the research can be either modified, deleted, or sent for further review by the Review Board (details below).



See the full Review Board policy

Some misguided and deceptive research practices may be difficult to detect. The Wikiversity community relies on the participation of people with expertise in good research practices and who can help the community recognize and correct bogus and unethical research practices. The Review Board will be active in guiding the entire Wikiversity community in examination of all Wikiversity research projects and identifying and correcting any problems that breach the Wikiversity research guidelines.



Wiki websites with few participants might have difficulty patrolling for vandalism and edits that violate the Wikiversity research guidelines. Wikiversity sites with few participants may not have a large enough community to support a Research Review Board. It may be wise for communities without an active Review Board to adopt a conventional Wikimedia Foundation No Original Research policy.



Another obvious concern is how will we deal with fringe groups (eg. Nazis etc) who want to use Wikiversity as a publishing house. The Review Board will guide to community in making sure that all research projects, including fringe research, are conducted according to scholarly research methods as described in the Wikiversity research guidelines. At times, it may be useful to amend the Wikiversity research guidelines so as to explicitly exclude some types of fringe research if they disrupt Wikiversity or distract the community from its educational mission.



維基學院 does not yet have a system for formal peer reviewed publishing. For Wikiversity research projects there may not necessarily be a final published research report for any given piece of research. Not every research contribution found on Wikiversity is accurate or verifiable. However, the purpose of research activities at Wikiversity is to promote learning, so we do not disregard inept research efforts - rather, we discuss, correct and build upon them. After a research project is complete, a summary report may be posted on a Wikiversity page. The raw data and the research report can be protected from further editing and remain as an historical archive. A goal of Wikiversity is to establish communities of scholars who can perform formal peer review of such research reports. Until such a system for peer reviewed "wiki publishing" can be established, Wikiversity participants should consider publishing original research in established journals. The Review Board might eventually evolve into a robust collection of experts who can support a formal peer review process.

